Antonio Vivaldi – composer

Antonio Vivaldi was katholic bishop of Venice in time of Casanova loving there.But he has never given a christian mess.He was musician using his female orchestra Ospendale with fallen females playing the instruments now conducted by famous Riccardo Muti.In the end he had to go cause of that.Nevertheless : He is one of the most important itallian and European comopsers and he was in inspireing contact with people like Bach.

Most important works :

12 concertos L’estro harmonico, best played by I musici,
Four seasons, best played by I musici,
Op.8 at best played by I musici,
Op.12 at best Played by I musici

O.F.D This list is still incomplete.I have learned by Vivaldi.If you like music like that have a look to my 4 EDEN string quartetts in 7 movements each ( Na Nympheas,Schwertlilien,Strelizien,Calla ). You can find this as EDEN playlist at or