Francis Lai – composer

French composer Francis Lai is famous for his cinema film melodies.Especially in the 70th and 80th he was one of the most important sources for Cinema soundtrack music.With Love story he won the Oscar for best music.Rather often he is delivering quite easy sequencies without deep main theme and easy harmonic shemes like quint sequencies invented by Bach on higher level.On the other hand you can learn this there easyly. But sometimes Francis Lai had realy an idea.Theme of love story / piano version is of historical worth at least.

Most important tunes:

Theme from Love Story / piano,
Un homme et une femme,
Anima Persa,
Souvenir einer Sängerin / Traumschiff,
Kilimandscharo / Traumschiff,
El Bimbo,
Emanuelle 2 / Tule,
Le corps de mon enemie / Number one,
Serenade for Sarah ( Francis Lai / Michelle Le Grand )
C’est a Mayerling,
Theme Mellie

O.F.D This list is still incomplete.Francis Lai is a man who was teaching me through his works in my beginnnings.I have seen that a left hand piano figure of Emanuelle 2 / Tule also Indian Summer, Les yeux Noirs Anette , Les Ripeux .. ) witch I had learned by my older brother who wanted to keep me out of music but also out of studies, is probably by Francis Lai.I did works like that in early 80th and my brother too.

If you like best music of Francis Lai then you should hear maybee also The World synthesizerwork bymyself but certainly concerning the piano works JEUNESSE 25 early pianoworks.Concerning left hand piano figure I recommend MATHILDE to you.

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