Please no Chat GPT / KI / AI / Fake comunication and no Fake content

Dear labels,dear criminals,dear criminal parties and secret services .Im one of the most important music composers of history and a lot of other things.My personal situation is biased by mad east enemies argumenting with crimes of Nazis in history and comparisson of my datas with theirs for decades. .Meanwhile Im checked by our secret service ( Erkennungsdienstlich behandelt ) with my fingerprints in Personalausweis ( -passport- ) cause I realy dont want to exchange till my enemies definetly robbers are satisfied .My name is my birth documents name…If there is a automatical KI / AI system as author steeling in fact in whole internet then there is no copyrights.Even if then own creative result is that of a 4 years old child maximum thosetimes.Living persons are learning traditional know how or are researching in the frame of their biological intelligence or talent but they are not steeling pushed by maths.All copyrights are born with the work outside of mind without any pay or stamp or office lasting automatically till 70 years after death.My works.Real like it was in ancient times.

I realy like to stay in contact with -Trevor-Horn-,-Stiffti-Stefanie Heinzmann-,-Murray Perhaia-,-Yvonne Catterfeld-,-Veronica Ferres- ….We know us sometimes a bit or I want to.But I only need real contacts no phishing no -Yvonne-with artificial black hair realy flat boops having actually a dick as surprise for me.Im hetero.Im looking for mother of my children thosedays and I dont take evryone.Some contact problems I can fix. -Murray- Perahia- was recording a grammy at friends at Munich.I thought we will record my romantical Strasbourg 1.Piano concerto or Jeunesse my serious Piano art pieces ( Age 11-50).Actually he was trying to sell an expensive piano masterclass place to me.Probably its a software witch is reacting to online coments of mine as ki / ai system automatically with standard questions or a secret service software which can use any account as fake.Here no fakes wanted.All in all Im genius of the century having good contacts to UNESCO / UN.My high IQ is tested officially.I use my natural brain cause I have one and my official real name.Dont waste your time.Please fool somebody else.If you are good and friendly and true I willl probably enjoy direct contact with you.Therefore I beg those to use their verified accounts concerning me if possible .Video Phone Date and there is no problem.I use only my own identity and data.Thank you. ( worlds leading music composer meanwhile producer,singer,mixing engineer too)

etc etc etc

Oliver Frederic Dieck – personally like ever O.F.D

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