Joerg von Schenkendorf – german music composer

German Lord Joerg von Schenkendorf is actually a good friend of my brother Reinhard Dieck who is forbitting my genius especially in music but also in sciences definetly for political / historical reasons unfortunatelly.Mr. Schenkendorf was presenting at Ralf Siegel / Jupiter Records an album recorded by german / Munich studio musicians creme : ( Herrman Weindorf Keyboards,Dieter Peterreit Bass, Maz Berklund Guitars, Curt Cress Drums, Brass Gebauer…) His wife was A&R of Jupiter Records Munich.Therfore it was not possible to keep him completelly out of business.But the recording was lost in Jupiter records Ralf Siegel reign… Quality in about 1980 concerning music composing approximatelly ABBA.Therefore I dont want to have anything to do with Ralph Siegel world.All politics, history…Only thing witch doesnt matter is obviously good music.My advise to Joerg also concerning other works : Rerecord it in modern soud using a synthesizer built in 2000-15 louder drum mixing ,drums update if possible and use a external act.Some females or a better singer for market.I hate this quality suppression manipulation for historical reasons.Diplomacy is diplomacy,secret services are secret services,quality is quality and rubbish is rubbish.Yours sincerly O.F.D

Most important official known tunes :

Du denkst wie ich,
Wir brauchen uns beide,
Wenn Du bei mir bist,
Ich will,
Ich glaub an Dich
