Ludwig van Beethoven / composer / performer

Ludwig van Beethoven born in german Bonn descendant of a musicians familly with Belgium roots was pupil of autodidactical austrian Haydn like Mozart was.Mozart was more or less much more talented Haydn.He died to early with 35.Beethoven lived in the end with huge hearing problems more than 50 years.He is more serious ,worked and the master of enlarged symphony form with own style but smaler work than Mozart but often on higher level.Only the important things.He was financed worldwide wellknown by some femal fans during his life.On the other hand the Austrians put him,the worldwide wellknown into prison as vagabound…?!? Cause of his hearing problems and the ups and downs of artists life his love was mariing a kind of insurance sales man.There were no descendants therfore.Brahms later said he is the real son of Beethoven sharing with Schumann having 10 descendants Clara Schumann with the argument hereditary genius and Beethoven.His revolutionarry 3. Symphony has called Napoleon.Beethoven was fan of French Revolution having idealistical humanitarian hopes.When Napoleon die „Reichsdeputations Hauptschluss “ putting Pope into prisonm forcing him to make him emperor ending with that stolen power German Reich of 1000 years he changed this in Eroica.Most symphonies are programm symphonies.This means they have an idea witch they describe in music painting and a name.Most intensively Pastorale Symphony Nr. 6.He is certainly one of the top five composers of mankind up to now.

Some of his most important composings :

Symphonies 1 – 10 :
4. movement of 1. Symphony,
3. Symphony Eroica,
5. Symphony C – Moll Op. 67,
6. Symphony Pastorale in F – Dur Op.68 epecially last movement,
7. Symphony ,
9. Symphony final strings and choir part of Ode an die Freude / Alle Menschen werden Brüder by german Schiller the European national Anthem in D – Moll op. 125.
Symphony 10 ( „35 Bars “ ) recorded in 1987 by London Royal Symphony Orchestra one of his best works going to Petrus with it in musicians heaven.
Opera Fidelio :
Ouverture Egmont Op.48 ( the best of three potetional Ouvertures, instead of Leonore Ouverture normally not bad and much better than Coriolan )
Mir ist so wunderbar,
In diesen Frühlings Tagen,
Euch werde Dank in bessren Welten,
Und wär ich schon mit Dir vereint,
Oh edle Lust,
Hurtig gebraben,
Namenlose Freude,
Hat man nicht auch Gold beim Leben,
Sonne schnell schwindest Du das Leben
Piano concerto Nr.1
Piano concerto Nr.5
Violin Concerto D – Dur op.61
Romanze for Violin and Orchestra in F – Dur Op.50
Moonlight Serenade for piano No. 14 op.27 No 2
Für Elise for Piano
Apassionata for piano No .23 op 57
Pathetique for piano No.5 op 13

O.F.D PS : This list is still incomplete.If you like music like that then chec my work as composer Oliver Frederic Dieck.There are 6 symphonies,Vita Organ concerto , Strasburg piano concerto and Elegance violin concerto, the opera Veritas,the oratory Deus genitor mundi , Eden 4 string serenades,Jeunesse Pianoworks,Seepferdchen songs,Goldener Walzertraum 10 Symphonic walzes etc Online here : or