ESC – European Song Contest Site

 Dear ESC dear Europe :
When ESC was starting it was a composers contest.The composers were starting for their country member of Council of Europe biggest European organisation doing also our common law net EU charta of human rights with supreme court at Strasbourg . It was allowed to apply foreign singers.And by that way -Celine-Dion one of best pop singers till today won ESC for Suiss.-Abba for Sweeden.-Udo-Jürgens for Austria,-Frida -Boccara for France,-Cingiola -Cinguetti for Italy,-Cliff-Richard for Britain,-Jonny -Logan for Ireland.It was serious more or less starting a lot of important careers.
Then eastblock states came working together in Germany hateing etc.Along with that there was a change to conquest of singers and not of composers anymore.
Result : Porn,huge shows without music, good cause its transsexual and jewish Israel. Ukraine in war .Even its rediculous -Werka.Germany Zero point .Only thing witch doesnt count anymore is music quality.Cause of my personal history I was accusateing Germany concerning abuse of secret services against me even at Strasburg when I studied there to get normal conditions doing my studies or the dont protect me concerning mad east block folks within my human rights.Supreme Court Strasbourg said to me my accusation would explode Europe. Im for Europe my enemies against it.Therefore I thought that ZERO POINT was a European answer concerning my discrimination by Germany as best music composer ua for about 200 years ( Beethoven) .I said my colegues are getting angry.Nobody will get the conecetion in Germany.Then you won with an almost  rediculous song of a 16 years old lady.Therefore I think its not my case anymore.You like Zero point without me  and then you deserve it.
.When Netherlands won with Common Linnetssecond place  I was proud also when Sweeden won with Loreen  or Belgique with -Lara Fabian.Cause they are realy good.But in my view those small countries are not affected by history hate and big manipulations in first line.They hate Germany,France,Italy,Britain,Spain or something like that if.
I cant guaranty that I will win contest.On the other hand it cannot be worse.Who want to say no to me cause Im  good as German Native than I get maybee more hate like before for Germany.On the other hand whole Europe know my story respecting my quality much more than at home.If a respectful artist like -Yvonne-Catterfeld or -Ben-Zucker  etc. wants to perform knowing that Zero points is normal for us i will take the risk as composer producer.There is a chance that whole Europe dont want to disciminate me after all anymore.
Proposal : No manipulation at all or get rid of that.
-Oliver Frederic Dieck
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