Vladimir Hoorrowitz – performer

The russian jewish pianist Vladimir Horowitz was one of the most relevant performers at the piano since Chopin and Liszt witch also were composers and coinventing modern concerto piano.His tender decent fluent way to interprete music is still a remarkable example for later generations.Died in 1989 there are recordings of modern quality.Those are to prefere.


Francis Lai – composer

French composer Francis Lai is famous for his cinema film melodies.Especially in the 70th and 80th he was one of the most important sources for Cinema soundtrack music.With Love story he won the Oscar for best music.Rather often he is delivering quite easy sequencies without deep main theme and easy harmonic shemes like quint sequencies invented by Bach on higher level.On the other hand you can learn this there easyly. But sometimes Francis Lai had realy an idea.Theme of love story / piano version is of historical worth at least.

Most important tunes:

Theme from Love Story / piano,
Un homme et une femme,
Anima Persa,
Souvenir einer Sängerin / Traumschiff,
Kilimandscharo / Traumschiff,
El Bimbo,
Emanuelle 2 / Tule,
Le corps de mon enemie / Number one,
Serenade for Sarah ( Francis Lai / Michelle Le Grand )
C’est a Mayerling,
Theme Mellie

O.F.D This list is still incomplete.Francis Lai is a man who was teaching me through his works in my beginnnings.I have seen that a left hand piano figure of Emanuelle 2 / Tule also Indian Summer, Les yeux Noirs Anette , Les Ripeux .. ) witch I had learned by my older brother who wanted to keep me out of music but also out of studies, is probably by Francis Lai.I did works like that in early 80th and my brother too.

If you like best music of Francis Lai then you should hear maybee also The World synthesizerwork bymyself but certainly concerning the piano works JEUNESSE 25 early pianoworks.Concerning left hand piano figure I recommend MATHILDE to you.

You will find this as playlists at www.o-f-d.de or www.OliverFredericDieck.de

Simon and Garfunkel – composer / performer

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were delivering in the 70th some sensible pop songs as guitarists singers team.

Most important tunes :

Scarborough fair / Canticle,
Sound of Silence,
Bridge over troubled water,
El condor pasa ( If I could ) ,
Mrs. Robinson,

O.F.D this list is stimll incomplete.If you like music like El condor Pasa as far as I know actually based on a peruan historical song the you should have a look to my site www.o-f-d.de.There im playlist THE WORLD you’l find the composing work of mine PERUAN SHERPAS.Its equal or better and purely bymyself but in Peruan hit style.

Info concerning base of critics here ( German / English )

( German ) Ich bin Oliver Frederic Dieck. Informationen über mich selbst als Kritiker :

Oliver-FredericDieck – O.F.D. Ich bin am 10. Januar 1964 als lutherisch-protestantischer Christ in München, Deutschland, Europa geboren. Ich sehe etwa 20 Jahre jünger aus und das ist die Wahrheit: Ungefähr 40 ,64 kg, 180 cm groß, schlank, ziemlich gutaussehend, olivgrüne Augen. Oliver Frederic Dieck ist mein richtiger Name / Dokumentenname, wie auch alle anderen Daten. Keine Fälschungen.

Ich begann mit dem Komponieren, als ich alt genug war, um in Nachahmung meines viel älteren Bruders auf den Klavierstuhl zu steigen. Das war im Alter von etwa 5 Jahren. Aber erste bemerkenswerte dauerhafte Ergebnisse erzielte ich mit 11 Jahren in Form der ersten Präludien des Jeunesse-Klaviers Stücke, eine Art kürzerer Bach. Seitdem weiß ich, dass ich besser sein kann als die offiziell besten Experten bzw Professoren. Abgesehen von einer hohen IQ-Basis und einigen besonderen IQ-Talenten war vor allem diese Erfahrung wichtig für mein gesamtes Verhalten und meine Persönlichkeit.I Ich wusste, dass Experten heutzutage oft ziemlich fleissig diszilpinierte Quoten-Idioten sind, und das lasse ich nicht zu. Bevor ich ab 1988 das Komponieren klassischer Musik lernte bzw autodidaktisch erforschte und in den letzten Jahren die volle Qualität und Fülle von Beethoven neu erreichte, lernte ich ebenso, fast alles andere auf die gleiche Weise zu komponieren Pop-Rock-Jazz-Musikwelt.

Mittlerweile habe ich zusätzlich tiefgreifende autodidaktische Studien in den Bereichen Rock-Pop und ein wenig Operngesang absolviert, Mixing- und Mastermixing-Ingenieur und Produzent. Der Grund, weshalb ich mich zur fairen Musikkritik berufen fühle, ist weiterhin die Werkliste meiner Komponitionen auf historischem Spitzenniveau.Martkliches Geschehen kann ich meiner Ansicht nach durch meine Erfahrung und Studien Marketing Betriebswirtschaft / sciences economiques – gestion beurteilen. Abgesehen von einzigartigen Klassikern gehöre ich auch in fast allen anderen Stilrichtungen zum Spitzenniveau und mache bisher alles selbst.Ich behaupte darauf basierend eine gewisse unabhängige eigenständige Beurteilungs Kompetenz.

A) Ernsthafte Klassik :

Sinfonie Nr.1 – Genie / Genius,
Symphonie Nr.2 – Venus,
Symphonie Nr.3 – Eclipse / Sonnenfinsternis,
Sinfonie Nr.4 – Rhein / Rhine,
Symphonie Nr.5 – Galaxie / Galaxy,
Symphonie Nr.6 – Loire,
Sinfonie Nr.7 – Isar-Symphonie Nr.8

Oratorium Nr. 1: Deus Genitor Munid in 7 Sätzen Oratorium Nr.2:

Opera Veritas (3 Stunden) – Demoaufnahme und Libretto, 30 Arien, Ouvertüre, zwei Präludien.

Eden: 4 Streichquartette:

Nympheas 7 Sätze

Schwertlilien 7 Sätze,

Strelizien 7 Sätze,

Calla 7 Bewegungen

Jeunesse – 35 frühe Klavierstücke ( V. 2013 ):

Präludium Nr1,
Präludium Nr.3 Phantasia,
Präludium Nr.5 Dreifinger,
Präludium Nr.6 Florentiner,
Präludium Nr.8 Waldkraiburger,
Präludium Nr.9 Mathilde,
Präludium Nr.10 Cembalo,
Etüde Printemps,
Etüde L’ete,
Etude L’automne,
Etude L’hiver,
Der Ragtime,
Pizzicatoarie (Veritas),
Debütantinnen Walzer (Goldener Walzertraum),
Rauschet es im Blätterwald (Seepferdchen),
Wonnen zur Maienzeit (Seepferdchen),
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf ein ( Seepferdchen ),
Willst Du mein Liebchen sein ( Seepferdchen ),………………)

( Auswahl )

Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Straßburg / Strasburg

Konzert für Kirchenorgel Vita

Konzert für Violine und Orchester Eleganz

Seepferdchen – 10 ernste Lieder / Libretto

bald endgültig aufgenommen: Der Lachs,
Willst du mein Liebchen sein,
Schlaf Kindchen schlaf ein,
Wonnen aus Maienzeit,
Rauschet es im Blätterwald,
Der Schnitter,
Sonne im Herzen,
Heuschreck Hupf,
Der Hummer

Goldener Walzertraum – 10 symphonische Walzer

B) Ernster Jazz:

Jazzkonzert Sunset 16 Melodien: 2. Jazzkonzert 16 Melodien:

Musical Siluetten (20 songs Libretto der Ouvertüre ist noch nicht fertig)

Die Welt – die Welt in 16 Klangbildern

Carebean farbiger Himmel,
Dach der Welt,
Peruanische Sherpas,
Schottische Pfeifer
Afrikanische Träume,
Blühende Kirschen,
Carebean Steel Drums,
Frieden ist ein Sieg der Kultur / Un Anthem-Vorschlag mit Textversion.
Lichter der Stadt,
Indische Träume,
Russische Seeleute,
Chillen auf Hawaii

C) Unterhaltung:

Future World – 15 Kultur-Techno-Werke

Camel Caravan, Upper World, Where are you now, Mayas, (komponiert von G.H.), Metro, Marvellous, Guernica, Games,

Europe – 40 european style tunes

Black Enough – 40 Us R&B Soul Hiphop style tunes

Golden Age – 15 britpop rock style tunes

Strange Rock Songs – 15 mainstream rock tunes

Springtime Rock – 15 mainstream rock and reagae tunes


(English ) I am Oliver Frederic Dieck. Information about myself as a critic here:

Oliver-FredericDieck – O.F.D. I was born on January 10, 1964 as a Lutheran Protestant Christian in Munich, Germany, Europe. I look about 20 years younger and that’s the truth: About 40, 64 kg, 180 cm tall, slim, quite good-looking, olive green eyes. Oliver Frederic Dieck is my real name / document name, as well as all other data. No fakes.

I began composing when I was old enough to climb onto the piano stool in imitation of my much older brother. That was when I was about 5 years old. But I achieved my first notable lasting results at the age of 11 in the form of the first Preludes of the Jeunesse piano pieces, a kind of shorter Bach. Since then, I have known that I can be better than the officially best expert or professors. Apart from a high IQ base and some special IQ talents, this experience in particular was important for my overall behavior and personality. I knew that experts these days are often pretty busy disciplined quota idiots, and I won’t let that happen. Before I learned or autodidactically researched composing classical music in 1988 and achieved the full quality and richness of Beethoven in recent years, I also learned to compose almost everything else in the same way in the pop-rock-jazz music world.

I have now also completed extensive self-taught studies in the areas of rock-pop and a little opera singing, and am a mixing and master mixing engineer and producer. The reason why I feel called upon to conduct fair music criticism is that my compositions list of works remains at a historically top level. In my opinion, I can judge actual events through my experience and studies in marketing business administration / sciences economiques – gestion. Apart from unique classics, I am also at the top level in almost all other styles and so far I do everything myself. Based on this, I claim a certain independent assessment competence.

A) Serious Classical :

Symphony No.1 – Genie / Genius, Symphony No.2 – Venus, Symphony No.3 – Eclipse / Solar Eclipse, Symphony No.4 – Rhine / Rhine, Symphony No.5 – Galaxy / Galaxy, Symphony No.6 – Loire, Symphony No.7 – Isar Symphony No.8

Oratorio No. 1: Deus Genitor Munid in 7 movements Oratorio No. 2:

Opera Veritas (3 hours) – demo recording and libretto, 30 arias, overture, two preludes.

Eden: 4 string quartets:

Nympheas 7 movements Irises 7 movements, Strelizia 7 movements Calla 7 movements

Jeunesse – 35 early piano pieces

Tsunami, Prelude No.1, Prelude No.3 Phantasia, Prelude No.5 Three Fingers, Prelude No.6 Florentine, Prelude No.8 Waldkraiburger, Prelude No.9 Mathilde, Prelude No.10 Harpsichord, whales, Etude Printemps, Etude L’ete, Etude L’automne, Etude L’hiver, The ragtime, Pizzicato aria (Veritas), Debutantes Waltz (Golden Waltz Dream), There is a rustling sound in the forest of leaves (seahorses), Bliss in May (seahorse), Sleep baby, fall asleep (seahorse), Do you want to be my love (seahorse),………………) ( Selection )

Concerto for piano and orchestra Strasbourg / Strasburg

Concerto for church organ Vita

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra Elegance

Seahorse – 10 serious songs / libretto soon finally recorded:

The salmon, Do you want to be my love, Sleep, little child, fall asleep, Bliss from May time, There is a rustle in the forest of leaves, The reaper, sun in the heart, Grasshopper hop, seahorse, The lobster

Golden Waltz Dream – 10 symphonic waltzes

B) Serious Jazz:

1.Jazz concert Sunset 16 melodies: 2. Jazz concert 16 melodies:

Musical siluettes (20 / libretto of the overture is not yet finished)

The world – the world in 16 sound images

Carebean colored sky, Roof of the world, Universe, northern aurora, International, Peruvian Sherpas, Kasbah, Scottish pipers African dreams, Blossoming cherries, Carebean steel drums, Peace is a Victory of Culture / Un Anthem Proposal with Text Version. Lights of the city, Indian dreams, Russian sailors, Chilling in Hawaii

C) Entertainment:

Future World – 15 cultural techno works

Camel Caravan, Upper World, Where are you now, Mayas, (composed by G.H.), Metro, Marvelous, Guernica, Games,

Europe – 40 european style tunes

Black Enough – 40 Us R&B Soul Hiphop style tunes

Golden Age – 15 britpop rock style tunes

Strange Rock Songs – 15 mainstream rock tunes

Springtime Rock – 15 mainstream rock and reagae tunes

( selection )

How to use

How to use www.diemusikkritik.de data bank :

  1. You can use the SEARCH ENGINE WINDOW giving in song or artist name and presseing ENTER on your PC / tablet ,

2) You can SCROLL DOWN SEARCHING  till the end chronologically in the blog

3)  You can use the CONTENT MENUE TAB on top clicking on a name there.

One way will work for you .If there are problems finding a name with search engine on site : Some musicians were of influence Then its possible to find a name elswhere .In this case please give in official complete name not short version.The same if you know last name only or parts of work name etc.The please add as second mesure a word like #pe_rformer#sin_ger#so_loist #co_nductor#co_mposer,#theo_ryteacher without # and _ showing here to protect database results.

Last but not least language here is english in pop rock entertainment music apart from realy german local artists even its a german service.Classic worlds speaks completelly German more than Itallian.Therefore I use also German quite often , the german cause its international in content and audiance.In the long run I will offer traductions also

O.F.D  – Yours sincerly – criticist / composer www.o-f-d.de – www.OliverFredericDieck.de – www.myspace.com/OliverFredericDieck

Gounod – composer

Gounod was a french composer.He is famous for his Ave Maria Air based on a prelude out of „Wohltemperiertes Klavier “ of J.S.Bach.But he wrote more.

Most important tunes :

Ave Maria Air ( Bach / Gounod ),
Sympony Faust,
Opera Margarethe with Faust walz,
Opera Romeo and Julia,
Dammnation of Faust Op.24

O.F.D This list is still incomplete

Telemann – composer

Composer Telemann was heading the churches of german Hamburg concerning music in times of J.S. Bach.His music was not as important as Bach and Händel or itallian Vivaldi.But he was respected part of inner circle of Bach and sons.

Most important tunes :

Suite Nr.3,
Der getreue Musikmeister,
Der Schulmeister,
Kanarienvogel Kantate,

O.F.D This list is still incomplete

Antonio Vivaldi – composer

Antonio Vivaldi was katholic bishop of Venice in time of Casanova loving there.But he has never given a christian mess.He was musician using his female orchestra Ospendale with fallen females playing the instruments now conducted by famous Riccardo Muti.In the end he had to go cause of that.Nevertheless : He is one of the most important itallian and European comopsers and he was in inspireing contact with people like Bach.

Most important works :

12 concertos L’estro harmonico, best played by I musici,
Four seasons, best played by I musici,
Op.8 at best played by I musici,
Op.12 at best Played by I musici

O.F.D This list is still incomplete.I have learned by Vivaldi.If you like music like that have a look to my 4 EDEN string quartetts in 7 movements each ( Na Nympheas,Schwertlilien,Strelizien,Calla ). You can find this as EDEN playlist at www.o-f-d.de or www.OliverFredericDieck.de